Teacher Conference Information
Next Educator’s Conference
OCTOBER 9-10, 2025
with Dr. Kurt Skelly
Press Toward the Mark Digital Conference Booklet.
October 10th and 11th, 2024.
Central Baptist": 1606 RTE 12, BINGHAMTON, NY, 13901.
“Press Toward The Mark”
We are pleased to welcome many leading educators from across the country and from various excellent educational institutions who will teach our workshops.
Education Workshop Leaders From:
Pensacola Christian College
Bob Jones University
Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary
Maranatha Baptist University
Veritas Baptist College
Faith Based Musicals
Arise Ministries
New York Association of Christian Schools
New England Association of Christian Schools
Each workshop qualifies for Continuing Education Credit
EXAMPLE: Typical Conference Schedule
7:00 am Exhibitor set-up
9:00 am Registration Exhibits
9:30 am Welcome
9:45 am General Session 1
11:00 am Workshop # 1
12:00 noon Lunch Exhibits
1:10 pm Workshop # 2
2:10 pm Workshop # 3
3:10 pm Workshop # 4
Complimentary Food, 3:00 - 3:30 pm
4:10 pm General Session 2
8:00 am Breakfast Exhibits Open
8:30 am General Session 3
9:30 am Workshop # 5
10:20 am Coffee Break— Exhibit Presentation
10:50 am Workshop #6
11:40 am Final Session
Exhibitors are welcome to attend sessions free of charge.
Pressing Toward the Mark
October 10-11, 2024
Central Baptist, Binghampton, NY
The NYACS Educators Conference offers professional development sessions from leading educators from state and nationally to encourage and assist our Christian School educators in achieving excellence in classroom instruction. Continuing Education Units are available to attend the sessions at this conference.
Keynote Speaker: Dr. David Crandall
For more than 50 years, Dr. Crandall has been Pastor, Executive Director for Gospel Literature Services, and International Director Worldwide For Answers in Genesis.
Sara Reid
Veritas Baptist College
1. “Help! Where Do I Start? Addressing the Needs of All Learners.”
Join us as we discuss ways to identify struggling learners, provide intervention support, pursue evaluation, and implement accommodations in the classroom setting. (All Levels)
2. “They Shall Speak”
God has given us the task of equipping students to think critically and defend what they believe and why they believe it. Discuss practical ways to implement critical thinking skill instruction in the classroom. (All)
3. “We Think to Spell, Write, and Read!”
Pure phonics instruction is key to teaching early spelling, writing, and reading skills. How can we best equip young learners to be readers for life? (All)
4. “Waffle Brain, Spaghetti Brain”
God designed and ordained the differences in male and female learners. Join us as we discuss reaching and teaching both! (All)
5. “Can I Speak to the Manager?”
Consistent and conscious classroom management is the key to educational productivity! How can we set up easy-to-maintain systems to make our classrooms successful? (All)
Mrs. Chris Carpenter
Friendship Baptist Church, Rome, NY
1. Training.
“Navigating Relationships and the internet Armed with A Biblical Perspective in A Declining Society” Middle and Secondary
Tom Stiles
Arise Ministries, NYACS liaison with NYSED
1. Essential Documents for a Christian School
This will be a reminder from some, but may be new to others. I will cover doctrinal statement, policy manual, Certificate of Occupancy, Fire Inspection Report, and others.
2. Election, Legislative and Policy Update:
The title of this workshop is self-explanatory. It will include an update on the “Substantial Equivalency Implementation” and the proposed new requirements for a high school diploma.
Dr. Brad Batdorf
Bob Jones University
1. Sensational Science and Scripture
2. Creating Student Scientists Through Dominion Science
3. Demos for Dummies: Tips for Better Science Demonstrations
4. The Classroom Zoo: Tips for Keeping Classroom Pets
5. Twelve Common Science Misconceptions--and How to Prevent Them
6. Simple STEM for Busy Teachers
Dr. Thomas Graham, Ed.D.
Maranatha Baptist University
1. Cultivating a Growth Mindset:
Often as Christian educators we identify Luke 2:52 goals for students, but what about Luke 2:52 goals for teachers? This workshop will present practical topics and suggestions you can pursue to cultivate life-long personal growth and professional development. (All)
2. Rethinking Professional Development:
Why are you attending this conference? What is its purpose? Do you have a focused and intentional plan on how to implement what you have learned when you return to your school? Come and discover an informed perspective on how you can systematically increase your school’s effectiveness through your professional development efforts. (All)
3. Keeping the Cutting Edge:
Who has time to conduct routine and systematic classroom observations? Has that question ever crossed your mind? If so, come join us and be reminded of the purpose, plan, and processes of effective classroom observations while learning practical ways to implement a supervisory plan on a restrictive schedule. (Administration)
4. Taming the Tiger:
Effective classroom management is one of the main challenges facing teachers, especially new teachers, as they enter the classroom. This workshop focuses on simple, yet effective classroom management strategies for both new and veteran teachers alike. (Elementary & Secondary Teachers)
5. Funding Christian Education in the 21st Century:
While financial stability may or may not be the greatest challenge Christian schools are presently facing, it cannot be denied it is a major concern for many ministries. This workshop looks at identifying available school choice funding for parents, initiating a sustainable fundraising philosophy, and implementing a strategic financial plan as viable options for funding Christian education in the twenty-first century. (Administration & Fundraising Coordinators)
Dr. Orlando Buria
West Seneca Christian School, NYACS Board Secretary
1. Developing Godly Leadership Through A Student Council
Christian schools can help develop godly leadership abilities in students through the implementation of a student council. This workshop will cover how to start and maintain a council that encourages students to be a blessing to their classmates, school, community, and, most importantly, the Lord. Ideas for several activities will be presented. If your school has a student council, you are encouraged to share ideas. (Secondary)
2. The Elusive Evolutionary Mechanism
Non-believers claim that the evolutionary ascent of life from non-living matter has affected the entire biosphere. If evolution is a universal phenomenon on earth, a mechanism that causes it to occur should be easily found. Although evolutionists have made many proposals for well over a century, no sufficient mechanism has ever been found. In this workshop, we will review the feeble attempts to offer such a mechanism and the powerful modern evidence that indicates that the genomes of creatures are deteriorating rather than advancing. Compelling evidence for God’s handiwork in creation will be provided. Workshop participants will all receive a fun “science” gift at the end of the presentation. They will also receive a great FREE creation resource! (All)
Dr. Steven Harness
NYACS President – Pastor, Wilton Baptist Church and Administrator, Wilton Baptist Academy
Competencies should be envisioned as goals for teachers and staff to purposefully instill in each child/student through classroom instruction, events, or activities. (All levels)
A Worldview is how an individual sees life. It is the lens through which they interpret life. Using Dr. Fred Smith's four worldview questions, this session will resolve ways to determine worldviews and find answers to direct the classroom to a biblical worldview. (Secondary)
Gary Peltier
Officer for Assessment and Business Operations of the AACS Iowa Assessment Administrator
1. An Overview of the Iowa AssessmentTM and Cognitive Abilities Tests® Testing Program—Revised for 2024 Conferences
The Iowa Assessments and the Cognitive Abilities Test (CoGAT) are proven measures of student achievement and reasoning abilities. A proper use of these tests will offer educators a diagnostic look at how their students are progressing in key areas. The various levels of the Iowa AssessmentTM can provide reliable norm-referenced scores that also predict ACT and SAT scores. This workshop offers an overview of the main features of these tests. The new Iowa Assessment Survey Battery test will also be discussed. (All)
2. The Use of DataManagerTM—Revised for 2024 Conferences
DataManagerTM is a powerful online resource for managing the Iowa and CogAT assessment programs. DataManagerTM allows school staff to construct and view reports, interpret and analyze results, and access digital resources. (All)
3. Tips for Testing Coordinators (all levels)
Not every school has a staff member with the formal title of “Testing Coordinator,” but the work done by the person who oversees the school’s formal testing program is an important task. This workshop focuses on the Iowa testing program of the AACS and provides numerous helps and money-saving tips for the person in charge of the school’s testing program. School administrators, office staff, and teachers will all benefit from this session. (All)
4. The State of Our Students (all levels)
The session takes an in-depth look at the testing results of nearly 55,000 students who are involved with the AACS testing program. How are our students doing compared to the national norms? What are the strengths of our students? What are the weaknesses? Attendees of this session will acquire a better understanding of the AACS testing program and learn how to use test results to improve classroom instruction at their school. (All)
Bryan Fry
Assistant Administrator, West Seneca Christian School
1. In Defense of the Textbook:
Over the past 20 years, the textbook has been viewed as a rigid, outdated crutch for teachers who do not want to do their own research and preparation. In this session, we will consider the benefits for professional teachers properly using textbooks as the foundation of our curriculum in our elementary and secondary classrooms. (All)
2. Testing the Test:
Because tests are generally the single greatest contributor to the grade a student will earn, each teacher should spend time thoroughly considering the tests she gives. Do we want to test what Greenville or Pensacola thinks our students should know or what we actually taught our students? In this session, we will look at tips for creating excellent teacher-written assessments and tools for upper elementary or secondary classes. (All)
3. Wisely Grading: Assigning Fair and Valid Marks:
Assigning grades is one of the most important things a teacher will do. Grades have a finality not present in a lesson plan or daily conduct of class—both of which can be modified on the fly. Grades become part of a student’s permanent record. They are a matter of keen interest to students and their parents. In this session, we will examine strategies for giving valid grades on all types of assessments given in an elementary or secondary classroom. (All)
4. Are We Drifting?
Christian education as a movement in the United States is now well over 50 years old. The founding fathers of Christian education were responding to more than just removing prayer or Bible study from schools or even forced desegregation. They saw dangerous philosophies and practices in the public schools of their day. It is vital that Christian school teachers of the mid-21st century maintain the vital distinctives which serve as the foundation of modern Christian education. In a session designed for Christian school teachers of all levels, we will examine our routine classroom practices and determine whether we are following more of a Dewey-style humanism or a biblical Christian philosophy. (All)
Laura Snider
Education Faculty Pensacola Christian College (Abeka), Florida
As we teach students about God, His love, and His plan of salvation, we have great opportunity to influence our students’ lives for eternity through our daily Bible classes. Come glean ideas and techniques that best support a Bible class that excites your students about spending time with God. (Elementary)
Competition, teamwork, and feedback are just some of the many ways to keep students motivated and engaged in their learning. This session will equip you with a deeper understanding of student motivation and many ready ideas that will help enliven your class reviews. (Elementary)
A successful and efficient classroom requires an effective management plan with well-thought-out classroom routines and procedures set into place from day one. Come get practical ideas of how to think through and establish the procedures that will make your classroom conducive to learning. (Elementary)
Behavior management is one of the most important things to master in your classroom, for your management skills assist in maintaining that positive classroom environment so necessary for student learning. These tried and tested techniques will aid you in not only handling your students’ behavior but also getting to the heart of their actions. (Elementary)
We want our students to be eager, expressive, and accurate readers, able to read with high-levels of comprehension. Come see how you can maximize classroom reading as we discuss maintaining pace and focus while building critical thinking skills throughout a reading lesson. (Grades 1-6)
One of the hurdles to conquer in successfully managing reading time is efficient and effective evaluation of your students’ reading. Come sharpen your own reading assessment skills as we discuss the keys to grading oral reading. (Grades 1-6)